UAE public urged to get COVID booster jab


The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) is urging those who are eligible to take the vaccine booster shot six months after their second dose.

During the government media briefing on COVID-19, MoHAP implored people who took the Sinopharm vaccine, especially in the most vulnerable categories, such as people with chronic diseases and those aged over 50, to take their booster shot three months after their second dose.

Those who received the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, the recommendation is for all individuals aged 18 and above to take their booster shot of the same vaccine six months after taking their second dose.

Those who took other types of COVID-19 vaccines should head to the nearest vaccination centre to learn the type of booster they are required to take.

MoHAP spokesperson Dr. Al Ghaithi said the health sector is continuing its drive to achieve acquired immunity by providing vaccines to eligible categories and noted that 100 per cent of the eligible population have taken their first vaccine dose, while the rate of fully vaccinated individuals has reached 92.31 per cent.

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