The Permanent Pivot

Don’t miss our next ‘Back to Business’ session on 29th November, when we’ll be discussing The Permanent Pivot, with Tom Harvey, the General Manager in the Commercial sector for Spinneys Dubai LLC, Ahmad Zureiki, who is Head of Collaboration for Cisco Middle East and Africa and Emma Banks, who is Vice President of F&B Strategy & Development for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) for Hilton.


How do you go from pivot to permanent? When does your covid solution become business as usual?  


The last eight months has seen companies become creative with their covid solutions – the much heralded ‘pivot’. At what stage does that pivot become permanent? How do you decide which bits of your business to keep – and which are now past their sell-by date?  


During COVID-19, Emirates Airline did a pivot by repurposing many of its Boeing 777’s from passenger to cargo; Fine tissues did a pivot by making face masks; Spinneys quickly pivoted by launching their online delivery service.


We’ll speak to top business thought leaders about how to make the difficult decisions when it comes to realigning your business – simultaneously pivoting and protecting revenue streams. We’ll also get useful, practical advice from those who have pivoted effectively – and changed their businesses permanently as a result. 

Watch the Webinar

Back to Business: The Permanent Pivot

The fourth edition of Dubai Eye 103.8's Back to Business webinars, in partnership with Cisco Webex, discusses The Permanent Pivot. The last eight months has seen companies become creative with their covid solutions – the much heralded ‘pivot’. At what stage does that pivot become permanent? How do you decide which bits of your business to keep – and which are now past their sell-by date? Business Breakfast host Tom Urquhart is joined by Tom Harvey, the General Manager in the Commercial sector for Spinneys Dubai LLC, Emma Banks, who is Vice President of F&B Strategy & Development for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) for Hilton and Ahmad Zureiki, Head of Collaboration for Cisco Middle East and Africa. Sign up for future webinars Thanks to our partners Cisco .. LIVE from Nasdaq Dubai.

Posted by Dubai Eye 103.8 News. Talk. Sport on Monday, November 30, 2020


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