Four new institutions have been established under Dubai Municipality as part of its organisational restructure.
The civic body now includes dedicated entities for environment, facilities management, building licensing and waste management.
The changes were announced by Dubai's Crown Prince, His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
He said eight main activities would be transformed, with the aim of creating economic opportunities worth AED 10 billion.
Earlier this year it was announced that Dubai Municipality would be transformed into a specialised institution that adopts a private sector mindset to provide high-quality municipal services.
تنفيذاً لقرارات محمد بن راشد في اجتماع مجلس #دبي، حمدان بن محمد يعتمد إعادة الهيكلة الشاملة لبلدية دبي بإنشاء 4 مؤسسات جديدة وفصل أنظمة الحوكمة والرقابة عن التنفيذ وتحويل 8 أنشطة رئيسية للبلدية لتكون بالشراكة مع القطاع الخاص.
— Dubai Media Office (@DXBMediaOffice) July 31, 2022
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