UAE provides household generators to Ukraine


The United Arab Emirates announced today that it is sending about 2,500 household generators to civilians affected by the ongoing crisis in Ukraine that has disrupted energy infrastructure and caused power outages.

This is to help them survive the harsh winter conditions.

The assistance comprises 2,500 household generators, each with a power output of between 3.5 and 8 kilowatts. These generators will help the civilians with some of the electricity they require, which will help alleviate the difficult living conditions of crisis-affected families.

Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy, Minister of State for International Cooperation, said that this aid to Ukraine stems from the UAE's belief in the importance of human solidarity, especially in cases of conflict, and is part of the country's continuous efforts to mitigate the humanitarian repercussions of the Ukrainian crisis.

The UAE will transport approximately 1,200 household generators to the Polish capital, Warsaw, today and will transfer the remaining generators by January.

This support comes within the $100 million (AED 367 million) humanitarian relief aid allocated by the UAE to the civilians affected by the crisis in Ukraine.

In response to the United Nations Ukraine Flash Appeal and the Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Response, UAE has taken the initiative since the onset of the crisis to alleviate the suffering of those affected, having flown eight planes carrying 360 tonnes of food supplies, medical aid and ambulances for Ukrainian refugees in Poland, Moldova and Bulgaria.

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