Single name on passports? Indian Consulate clarifies UAE travel rule

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Following days of confusion over travel restrictions to the UAE for Indian passport holders with a single name, the Indian Consulate in the UAE has issued a clarification.

Taking to their official Twitter handle, the Indian authority explained that passengers will still be able to fly into the UAE if they meet certain criteria.

They said travellers, whose UAE visa is issued with more than one name and their father's or family names are mentioned in the second page, will be allowed entry.

Also, travellers eligible for visa on arrival, can fly to the UAE if their father's or family names are mentioned in the second page.

Under the UAE's revised travel guidelines, which came into effect on November 21, all visitors travelling to the country must have both a primary and secondary name in their passport to be permitted to travel.

The rules apply only to those travelling on visit visas/visa on arrival/temporary visas.

It does not apply to those holding UAE resident visas.

The new rule, which came into effect on November 21, had caused several disruptions, with Indian airlines turning away those with only single names on their passports.

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